Oliver has extensive experience building mathematical models that represent economic dispatch and long-term investment in
electricity markets. He has built models that capture complex aspects of power system and market operation, such as decisions to start and stop plant, game-theoretic bidding, and decision making in the presence of uncertainty about the future.
In addition, Oliver has experience as a regulatory economist and expert in market design. He has extensive experience working as an advisor to the market bodies that oversee the energy sector, the participants that operate in the markets, and the network
businesses that own the transmission and distribution assets that are part of the physical power system.
Prior to establishing Endgame, Oliver led the quantitative team at the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). Prior to
this, he worked as a mathematical and economic consultant in the energy sector.
Oliver holds a first-class honours degree in pure mathematics, as well as a commerce degree with majors in economics and
finance, both from the University of New South Wales.